Weekend's here

Blogsong: Britney Spears 3

I've got a feeling...that tonight's gonna be a good night.....!!
Yeah, it's Friday and school is over, let the good times begin.

Ok, so both halfs of The Mirrors are still alive after todays events. I finally got the payback that I did not think I derserved at all. In front office management, P decided to take a gross used snus and smear it over my beautiful paper where I was gonna take my notes for class. Euw. have a look below:

My paper

Close up of the horrific incident

Anyway, after that I didn't have to think twice, I needed revenge. And as can be seen on my previous post I had something in mind regarding slime. However I did not even have to go that far. She got the worst revenge of all, KARMA!!! What happened was in class we were suppesed to do roleplays and of course we didn't want to do it cause we never even speak in class. So she was telling the teacher that I should do it, and he comes to her and tells her to do it. Karma! Anyway, took a picture of the incident, where she is pacticing.

P, getting ready for the roleplay.

Now the war is over, and we are happy again without any threats, paybacks or revenge.

At the end of the day, we're just having fun :)

Until next time



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