There is a god...

Hanna just made my day with a little help from god. She went now in the break and bought a daim chocolate in the wendingmachine, but instead of one comming out, two came out! I am so happy right now!
I am in a much much better mood today than yesterday and the day before yesterday. Omg, those days were like funeral days, or atleast it felt so. It was two really depressing days. But now I am over with those kind of days, I am not gonna let anything ruin my mood again.
In only like two months I am going to Bahamas and I cannot fucking believe it. I just want to go right now.
But now it is time for another round of Fidelio and after that we are going to cook and have some tapas the spanish way, hell to the yeah!
Hasta manana loyal readers,


europe...europe......europe.. europe...europe..europe...europe...europe...europe...europe...europe...europe...


the word has lost all its meaning

Does this word even exist....??


Current Time: 10:20 AM

Current Location: Fidelio Class in the computer room

Current day: Wedensday November 11th 2009

Current mood: Very good :)

Current hair: Normal

Current outfit: The magical school uniform of HIM

Current make up: Normal, foundation, blush and eyeliner

Current Food: Tapas in two hours!

Current homepage: Obviously

Current book: The magic of fidelio 3rd edition

Current music: Vampire Weekend

Current jewlery: only my mickey ring

Current sentence stuck on brain: vamos a la playa...

Current collection: money... :O

Current love: Alexander Skarsgård (for PimPim)

Current habit: coughing too much

Current entertainment: Our wonderful lecturer

Current tv show: Las Vegas

Current movie: What happens in Vegas...


We had a certain loyal reader than complained about lack of blogs on this site. I have therefore decided to dedicate this blog to our lovely reader :)
Enjoy my friend! Im gonna miss you....and btw you are in big trouble mister for saying we dont blog enough....rude

Hot tamale, hot hot tamale, hot tamale, hot hot,
Do you like tamale, hot hot tamale?
I like tamale, hot hot.

Hot tamale, hot hot tamale, hot tamale, hot hot,
You like tamale, warm tamale?
No, I like hot tamale.

Hot tamale, hot hot tamale, hot tamale, hot hot,
You like tamale, tepid tamale?
No! I like hot tamale.

Hot tamale, hot hot tamale, hot tamale, hot hot,
What kind of tamale do you like?
Hmmmm, the hot kind is what I like.

Hot tamale, hot hot tamale, hot tamale, hot hot,
Do you like tamale, cold tamale?
No! I like hot tamale.

Hot tamale, hot hot tamale, what's tamale, hot hot tamale?
I don't know, some kind of err... tomato?
Urgh... I don't like those.
You will when it's hot!

Hot tamale, hot hot tamale, hot tamale, hot hot,
What kind of tamale do you like?
Hot tamale every day and every night!

Good night, I hope everbody will have a hot hot tamale night!



The weekend was hillarious. Me, lilla gubben and Honey Bunny had the adventure of our lifes. Everything that can possibly happen in one night happened.
Today has not been that good though. I feel worried about a lot of stuff and the lack of sleep makes me weird. Anyway me and Bunny paid the Bahamas today wohoho! I can´t believe we are going there in February, it´s gonna be awesome.
Now I am gonna try to relax and get ridd of this aweful state of mind.
Btw, The Unlegalized, should be the name of a movie, based on our saturday adventure.

I dont have to study?

I have a strange feeling inside my tummy, I feel like I should be studying but Im not...are you suuuure the exams are over? Doesnt feel like it thats for sure.
Yeah well apparently midterms are over (even though it doesnt feel like it) and you are supposeply supposed to do something amazingly awesome tonight. Still not decided on that but well see.

Ok all lovely readers, this was just a short update for now...midterms went pretty ok I hope, well have to see when we get the result, more info later....



Im not a big fan of midterm...never have been and probably never will be. Its something about that week that just takes over everything else in your life and makes you locked inside your room 24/7 over your books that I just never became a big fan of. I cannot wait until its Friday. This is definitely going to be the hardest week of our second year...lets just hope for the best, we can only do our best!
Enough about exams, weekend was good. Friday was awesome actually...we dressed up as spice girls and what do you know, we won a bottle of champagne for best dressed :) That really made out night.
Anyway, keeping it short this!
Good luck to everyone during their midterms :)
Girl power all the way :)


Fuck my life right now. I want to live in London with Hanna Banana in a nice appartment without any studies. Time to wake up Paulina; that´s not gonna happen in like seven years! Now, focus on midterms and all the studies. Lets start with some Espanol.

Btw; Dario will hopefully get his appartment soon. Me and Hanna are gonna get our own key to that appartment so we can hang out there whenever we want to:) We also got the honour to decorate it, I am so happy, because it means I am going to IKEA some day soon to shop a lot of stuff.

For the record, we won a bottle of champagne last night for best outfit-SPICEGIRLS

We rock here at Rosemont!

Can't sleep... I listen to music of course. Check out the awesome new single from Bloodgroup, an Icelandic band from my beautiful town of Egilsstaðir :) Can't wait for their new album in november.

Goodnight all


My apologies...

....for my recent absence. It's been a busy week for The Mirrors, and the next week will be even more busy. Christ, midterms....not my favourite invention in the world, but we'll make it..hopefully :)
Not much to say today, it's been a rather quiet day, midterm in access which went ok and then just been trying to study spanish with my other half.
It's gonna be a beautiful day tomorrow, I can feel it in my heart...first of all me and Paulinchen the pig dont have to show up in class until 09:30 (first big plus of the day) second of all its Friday (another big plus) its holloween (third plus) and we finish rather early and dont have to many classes (fourth plus). Four plusses in one day, its like a christmas miracle :))...Im gonna take a sip of my water, one moment.
Ok Im back, alright everyone wish me luck for my oral exam tmr.
Holloween will be fun, however not to extravagant...midterms studies must be a priority this weekend. Anyway I will let the pictures speak out for the rest of this blog! Peace out my peeps!!

A little hint of what is to come tmr night ;)

I love my heart shaped glasses :)

And so does Paulinchen

The three muskateers chilling on ROS311

Until next time...which will be soon..promise!


And it has just begun

I am allready looking forward to the weekend after this weekend. It is a shame though with Halloween and every thing coming up, but I can´t party anyway. Next week are the midterms, so I have to study crazy this weekend, woho! I pray to god I will do well in those.
Fidelio exam which we had today went very well considering how fucking nervous I have been whole week. I had to appolagize to the teacher because it was so embarrassing the way my hands were shaking.
Supervision class today was hillarious. We were supposed to do a presentation for the others in my class, but we had mixed up the subject with another group. We had exactly the same presentation, except a very, very tiny part about orientation. Me and Jessica decided to perform that redicolous part in front of the class and it was a total fiasco. The powerpoint looked like it was made by someone who was drunk. Anyway, the rest of the class were entertained by our humiliation. Atleast I made a few peoples day.
Otherwise we have all been studying access hard and I didn´t learn much. I will just do the exam tomorrow hoping for the best. Oh dear lord.
On friday it is Halloween, which I believe is bad timing. I cannot promise you I won´t end up at Imperia, but I seriously hope not, because then I will not be able to study the day after. I have to study. It would just be so lame failing because to much partying. FLM liksom.
What I certanly will do atleast on friday is to dress up like Courtney Love. After all I love halloween and dressing up in costumes.


My peeps

Hey all lovely readers.
Its been a crazy weekend I can say that without a doubt. But its been good, a lot of fun crazy drunkeness and a lot of lazyness in bed with desperate housewives. Room 311 has been so freakin cozy. Right now we're trying some dancemoves, we look freaking awesome, jumping on the bed and all around the room and hall.

This is what the trio is looking like right, lilla gubben and P.

Until next time


Sophie gone glamour!!

Look how awesome our Sophie looks with her new look :) <3

Let's rock this night!

Have a great Friday night everybody!


Weekend's here

Blogsong: Britney Spears 3

I've got a feeling...that tonight's gonna be a good night.....!!
Yeah, it's Friday and school is over, let the good times begin.

Ok, so both halfs of The Mirrors are still alive after todays events. I finally got the payback that I did not think I derserved at all. In front office management, P decided to take a gross used snus and smear it over my beautiful paper where I was gonna take my notes for class. Euw. have a look below:

My paper

Close up of the horrific incident

Anyway, after that I didn't have to think twice, I needed revenge. And as can be seen on my previous post I had something in mind regarding slime. However I did not even have to go that far. She got the worst revenge of all, KARMA!!! What happened was in class we were suppesed to do roleplays and of course we didn't want to do it cause we never even speak in class. So she was telling the teacher that I should do it, and he comes to her and tells her to do it. Karma! Anyway, took a picture of the incident, where she is pacticing.

P, getting ready for the roleplay.

Now the war is over, and we are happy again without any threats, paybacks or revenge.

At the end of the day, we're just having fun :)

Until next time


Hannas last laugh

Hanna my sweetheart better laugh as much as she can right now, because she will soon be laughing her last laugh mohaha. To be honest I have not come up with a great payback yet, but I will. Believe me. So far I have been trying to keep myself awake during class with out any greater success. I almost started to cry this morning, when I looked back on last year here at HIM. I only had one "class" on fridays last year and that class was not even a real class. I only had to drag my ass down to the restaurant to eat, which was considered a class for first years. May sound a bit strange to you readers which are not studying here, but I can not be bothered to explain further. Last year's fridays ruled anyway.
Tonight we are going to One5 enjoying hopefully a nice dinner with some wine. After that. I will continue my drinking. I miss alcohol, it has been a hard fucking week.

Lunch time

Morning all....
Still waiting for my payback that Im supposed to get today...still nothing has happened and Im getting very scared. I have no idea what to expect.
Just enjoyed another wonderful lunch in the magical cafeteria of Lakeside in HIM. The food there is always superb. So far the day has been pretty quiet and event little, just had classes from 8 and now waiting until my wonderful class of 2C is gonna do some exclusive thing for our amazingly exclusive banquet that is happening in week 14.
Ill be sure to keep you all posted as soon as I the payback has occurred, I already have plans for my revenge. That will take place if she will dare to do anything to me...hahahahah (my plan laugh)
Me doing the plan laugh
What the plan might possibly include...
Until next time

Animal attack in 311

Oh my lord some insect just attacked me as I innocently sat in my bed watching a movie. I screamed and scared Pauli half to death....hahah it was hilarious! But god, that disgusting thing scared me, was on my cheek.

The picture below shows what I was just attacked by, no wonder I got so scared. That thing is big enough and strong enough to kill an army.


Anyway, apparenly I'm awaiting payback for thowing Paulinchens snus across the room. I'll explain my actions, she told me that she had a surprise for me in the bed (she meant that she had put a used snus in my bed) and this was my reaction, I threw her snus dosa across the room.
Maybe a little harsh, but it seemed well deserved at the time. Oh well, she's sleeping now anyway..I'll get for her in the morning.

Back to watching Mary Poppins, one of the most adorable movies ever (a spoonfull of sugar helps the medicide go down, the medicine go down the medicine go down)

Nighty night dear readers

Until next time


Hanna Bitch!

Hanna just throwed my precious SNUS half across the room. So mean! I am too lazy to go and get it. Arghh fuck it, I go to sleep now. Payback time tomorrow Hanna Banana

Hotel Rosemont 3rd floor inn...

Blogsong: Charlie Winston - In your hands

I heart that song, so freaking good :) Not much action has happened in ROS311 this thursday night, just been chilling with my other half and lilla gubben surfin online and been avoiding studying. 
Friday tomorrow, nice. Plan is to go out tomorrow night and have a hilarious time and then spend a lot of time studying the rest of the weekend of course with some chill and possibly another pyjama (pajama?) party! It was a huge success last night! Gossip girl, laughter, pillow fights, airplanes and pyramide building equals good times.

Well time for bed, class at 8 in the morning......that's never popular here on the 3rd floor of Rosemont Inn, if we will be able to fall asleep, people are being crazy loud outside.

Until next time


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